Monday, September 24, 2012

Arty Parties!

Some of my classes just earned their first Arty Party of the year! I keep a chart with all of the homeroom names on it. When a class has a great day, they get a sticker on the chart. When they have earned eight stickers, they have an Arty Party! My students absolutely LOVE these reward days. I set up the room in centers that they can rotate and visit as they please. I try to have different centers for each of their parties so they get to experience new activities. This round of parties had an interactive smart board activity, modeling clay, a circle painting collaborative art table, fuzzoodles, connectigons, invention station, roll-a-creature drawing activity, and a free drawing station. Here are some photos of the fun. I love Pinterest and get so many great ideas from centers on there. The kids are so independent and happy on these days and will work hard to earn them.
 The Connectigons were from an educational toy company and my own kids quit playing with them so I brought them to school.
Free drawing!
Circle painting!
This was the "invention box". Otherwise known as a box of junk. They loved it more than I ever imagined!
I saw a similar idea to this on Pinterest and adapted my own hand out for the kids to create a creature by rolling dice. They were completely entertained by this center and I will probably use this as an emergency sub plan as well.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mr. Roboto

Students in second grade were focusing on the elements of art. They used a stamping technique with scrap cardboard to create their robots and painted them with tempera. I love how quirky and fun they all turned out. Here are some of my favorites and the current hall display. Enjoy!

I love my glue gun.

I laughed when I got my recent purchase order because I ordered 10 pounds of hot glue sticks. This is my drawer filled with 10 pounds of glue sticks. I have gotten quite a few emails asking me what I hang displays with and here's your answer. I love my glue gun.